Illegal Towing: Are You A Victim?


Illegal towing affects many vehicle owners in states across the country. While many professional towing companies follow lawful towing practices in accordance with local codes, some don’t.  Illegal towing causes a major inconvenience for the car owner creates a financial burden and could potentially damage your vehicle. If you believe your car was illegally towed, what should you do? Follow this guide to find out which steps to take.


Are You at Fault?

First, make sure your vehicle was not violating any parking rules. These can vary, depending on the hour of the day or the specific day of the week. In some cases, private property such as a business or apartment complex parking lot, may have their own rules for who can park where and when. Call the relevant authority’s parking office and obtain a copy of their parking guidelines to review.

Check Local Towing Laws

If you did not violate any parking rules, the towing company may be at fault. To prove this, research the municipality’s towing regulations. For example, some states do not allow tow truck drivers to remove vehicles from private property unless the person who has called to request the tow service witnesses the removal. Also, if no signs were posted where the vehicle was parked that clearly stated the conditions of towing liability, the vehicle owner should not bear the responsibility of the costs — the property owner has to take financial responsibility.

Take pictures of the location in order to back up your claim with as much physical evidence as possible. Make sure you have a printout of the towing company’s paperwork detailing the date, time and reason for towing your vehicle. State your claims in writing if they contradict the violations outlined in the towing company’s files.

Obtaining Your Vehicle

If you are the victim of illegal towing, your main concern may be to obtain your car. In doing so, do not fall victim again to further illegal charges placed on your account for storage and holding of the vehicle. Check local regulations, as most cities place a cap on the amount a towing company can charge the vehicle owner per day for vehicle storage after a tow.

Make sure your vehicle was not damaged while in the possession of the tow company. If you do notice damage, do not sign release papers until you have it documented with pictures and in the tow company’s paperwork. While you may feel frustrated if your car was towed illegally, do not take your argument to the towing company or owner of the property where your car was parked until you have gathered all the evidence you need to prove your claim.

Consider Legal Action

If you are unable to resolve the dispute with the tow company or the property owner, consider taking legal action in small claims court against the other parties. This may be the best option for regaining your lost costs for vehicle retrieval, especially if your car was damaged during transport or while in storage.

Depend on Stauffer’s Towing for service from a professional, law-abiding towing company that focuses on helping clients understand local towing laws and their available options for recourse if they become a victim of illegal towing.

Arin Argyle